
The Home consists of 35 single, en-suite rooms, all fully furnished to a high standard. Each room is fitted with television and phone points, with the addition of a specialised nurse call bell system, to enable Service Users to maintain privacy and dignity at all times. There are numerous communal areas within the Home, including a Dining Area, Garden Room, Library, Quiet Lounge and Main Lounge. There is also alternative seating in the hallway, which we intend to use as a “Memory Lane”, for reminiscence therapies.

The individual Service User’s agreed plan of care provides the basis on which Richmond House Care Home’s care service is delivered.

The care plan also includes a risk assessment and any risk management plan needed. It also includes details of health care needs, medication, details of G.P. and any other therapeutic services provided or that the Service User has commissioned for themselves, eg .chiropody. The care plan also includes details of the Service User’s social interests and activities, so that staff can encourage them to pursue these interests after admission has taken place. Service Users are encouraged to attend religious services of their choice, and help may be offered in the form of assisting to Church, or ensuring regular visits from the vicar or priest. Service Users are further encouraged to maintain contact with relatives, friends and representatives, and may have them visit at any appropriate time. Each Service User is allocated a member of the care staff to act as a key worker. Key workers are responsible for assisting the Service User, by checking rooms, making contact with family, take to appointments etc.

We have a laundry marking service; Snappy tags, which ensure that all clothing remains with the individual they belong to. this has been used for the last 3 years and appears to work well.

The daily care programme is organised as a response to Service Users’ individual and combined needs. All mealtimes are fairly flexible, and Service Users can arrange to have meals served in their rooms or in the dining room.


LINKS – LINK FOR WEBSITE SEARCH ENGINE FOR RICHMOND HOUSE – CSSIW Inspectorate report  – Dementia Care (Care Council for Wales) – Alzheimers society